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Access Information

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Our Oxford self-defence classes are hosted by The Star pub. The Star has a portable ramp at the entrance, level access in the front room. There is another ramp leading into the back room where the class is hosted. The Star does not have a wheelchair accessible bathroom. 

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Our Oxford swap shops are hosted by Common Ground. The entrance to Common Ground is step-free, as is the entrance to the bathrooms. The swap shop is in the main room on the ground floor, just by the tills. Common Ground does not have a wheelchair-accessible bathroom.


Our Cardiff swap shops are hosted by Cwilt. Cwilt is located in Capitol Shopping Centre. Both the centre and Cwilt have level access throughout.


Capitol Centre has accessible bathroom for disabled users with a radar key on the ground floor.

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Our self defence class in Cardiff is hosted by Umbrella. Umbrella is located in Capitol Shopping Centre and both the Centre and the Gallery have level access throughout.

We have a quiet hour at our swap shops. You do not need to have a diagnosis, be disabled or neurodivergent to come to the quiet hour. However, we ask that everyone respects the quiet space to protect folk who require a lower sensory load.

©2023 Cowley Community Closet

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